“No news is good news” but this quote never accompanies the cholesterol. With the increase in cholesterol related diseases many newer types of cholesterols are too popping up. Scientifically cholesterol is fatty and lipid substance circulating in the human body and it performs various types of bodily functions that are of great importance. Cholesterol forms every cell of the body and serves many useful and vital functions. It not only maintains healthy cell walls but also hormones, generates Vitamin D and bile acid which break the fat digestion. Sometime our body produces excessive cholesterol which leads to the blocking of the artery walls and increases the risk of heart attack and blood clot. Generally our body is very much capable of producing high level of cholesterol but we still intake more by consuming dairy and meat products. Only animal based food like meat, eggs, fish contains the cholesterol not the green and leafy vegetables.
Primarily there are two types of cholesterol firstly High Density Lipoproteins and secondly Low Density Lipoproteins. High Density Lipoprotein or popularly known as HDL is also known to be ‘good’ cholesterol. This harmless cholesterol is of great use as it carries artery fat to liver for the further metabolism. It not only removes out the Low Density Lipoproteins from the blood but also reduces the risk of various heart diseases. HDL is harmless cholesterol as it contains more of proteins instead of fats and whenever your physician looks into your cholesterol level he also checks the level of High Density Lipoproteins.
Whereas Low Density Lipoproteins or LDL is also known as bad cholesterol as it is more threatening and dangerous. LDL almost carries 60 to 70 percent of cholesterol around the body making the fat settling down at various parts. Brain, spinal cord and liver are said to be the main places where this fat settles down primarily. Research has revealed that excessive of lipoproteins always results in the increase of heart attack, heart stroke, blood clotting and many liver diseases too. There are many factors contributing towards the excessive cholesterol such as smoking, alcohol, obesity, diabetes, unhygienic diet and a lavish lifestyle.
Prevention is better than cure this popular quotation aptly suits the cholesterol and its aftermath effects. People at the age of 40’s are at higher risk as they tend to take their body for granted. People of this age usually lack in exercising and bodily movement which makes the cholesterol settle down to various body parts resulting in various heart diseases. The best way to avoid this threat is to have a healthy and hygienic diet accompanied with few exercises so that the fat never settles down at any part of the body.